
NAPPAThe PBI (Patient Benefit Index) measures patients’ treatment needs and treatment benefits. A number of disease-specific versions of the PBI are available.

You can also find all this information in the PBI User manual provided in our Download Section.

  • The PBI (Patient Benefit Index) is a standardized questionnaire measuring patients’ treatment needs and treatment benefits. A number of disease-specific versions of the PBI are available..
  • The PBI comprises two components: 1. Patient Needs Questionnaire measuring the importance of different treatment goals from the patient perspective. 2. Patient Benefit Questionnaire measuring the achievement of the treatment goals from the patient perspective. A global score on patient-relevant treatment benefit can be determined that weights benefit by importance.
  • The PBI can be used in clinical and observational studies and in daily practice..
  • The PBI is filled in by the patient himself (except for the children’s version PBI-AD-K.). The questionnaire is self-explanatory; yet, patients can be supported if they are not able to fill it in by themselves. In this case, the support needs to be documented.
  • The data are coded with numbers (0 to 4 for the responses “not at all” to “very much”; ”does/did not apply to me“ = 5; missing value = -9) and are entered into a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) or statistics program (e.g. SPSS). The spreadsheet matrix should be structured as follows: Each row corresponds with one patient and each column corresponds with one variable (=item).
  • If an item is answered with two or more “x” or by ticking between two checkboxes, it will be treated as missing.
  • The weighted PBI global score is computed as follows: Each benefit item is multiplied with the respective importance item, and the product is divided by the sum of all importance items. The results are summed up over all items. The resulting global score ranges from 0 (no benefit) to 4 (highest possible benefit).
  • Furthermore, for some versions of the PBI (for example, the PBI-S), subscales can be calculated representing different dimensions of treatment benefit).
  • In addition, the Patient Needs Questionnaire (PNQ) and the Patient Benefit Questionnaire (PBQ) can be analyzed descriptively on a single item basis.
  • For more information, see the PBI user manual.
  • See the publication of the respective PBI version listed in Publications.